Friday, September 24, 2010

The Mansion in Bethesda

Hey there everyone!

So my friend asked me if I wanted to go to a small concert in Bethesda today and I said yes not quite knowing what to expect. I knew he was a folk singer but not much more than that.

I'm writing to you now as I'm siting in a tiny room in a mansion in Bethesda, Maryland waiting for him to come on stage. The atmosphere is very intimate with only about 50 people in the room. From what I've heard so far he and his drummer have biked and taken trains across the country starting in California and making their way east.

This is one of the things I absolutely love about D.C. I got an invitation to an event and decided to go having no idea what it was and now I'm sitting here waiting to see live folk music in a mansion for 15 dollars and a short train ride.

The second half of this blog will be written after the show and I'll be letting you know how it went!

This is now be written after the show...

I had originally thought he played a guitar because that just what I think of when I think folk music but hew actually had a cello! He and his high school friend on the drums make up the whole of the band so you can imagine that the show was fairly simple. Nonetheless, they were both very impressive and innovative. The performance was a combination of traditional folk, what I would call alternative (almost a Death Cab sound), and some fiddle (yes fiddle on a cello) tunes. The latter makes since as they were both from Kentucky.

Finally, there was an activism side as well. They band (the two guys) advocate stopping the strip mining that is badly affecting certain regions of the country. One line his said in a great Kentucky accent stuck with me. He said, "We got a wide piece country here in America"

All in all a great cultural experience here in Washington, not unlike many I've had before and many I plan to have in my remaining time here!

Until next time!

A final note- the picture is of the room in which the performance was held. It was crowded so the amount of the room I could get a picture of isn't that great.
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